MPM Lepidoptera of North America Network (LepNet)
Versão mais recente
publicado em Jan 11, 2022
Este recurso não foi registrado pelo GBIF
The Lepidoptera of North America Network (LepNet) comprises 27 core research collections that will digitize specimen records and integrate these with existing records. Digitized larval vial records with host plant data marks the first significant digitization of larvae in North American collections. This digitization effort will produce enough data to elevate up to 5,000 lepidopteran species to a “research ready” status suitable for complex, data-driven analyses. LepNet will produce high-quality images of exemplar species covering at least 55% of North American lepidopteran species. These images will enhance identifications and promote systematic, ecological, and global change research.
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Pesquisadores deveriam citar esta obra da seguinte maneira:
Colby J, Sullivan Borkin S, Zaspel J (2022): MPM Lepidoptera of North America Network (LepNet). v1.3. No organisation. Dataset/Occurrence.
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GBIF Registration
Este recurso não foi registrado pelo GBIF
Occurrence; Specimen
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Cobertura Geográfica
North America
Coordenadas delimitadoras | Sul Oeste [21.943, -169.102], Norte Leste [83.36, -50.977] |
Cobertura Taxonômica
Ordem | Lepidoptera (Butterflies and moths) |
Cobertura Temporal
Data Inicial / Data final | 1882-01-01 / 2019-01-01 |
Dados Sobre o Projeto
Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) are one of the most diverse groups of organisms on the planet: worldwide there are approximately 160,000 species, including around 14,300 species in North America. Moths and butterflies are a conspicuous component of terrestrial habitats and one of the most diverse groups of plant-feeding animals worldwide. This group insect includes species of great economic importance. Their juveniles feed on plants useful to humans, including grains, cotton, tobacco, and timber and shade trees. However, many of the adults are beneficial as pollinators and are icons of conservation as evidenced by Monarch butterflies. Given their economic importance and sheer beauty, butterflies and moths are one of the most abundant insect group in museum collections, but only a fraction of the approximately 15 million specimens in non-federal collections have had their specimen label information digitally recorded and accessible to researchers and educators. Of those specimens that have been digitized, fewer than 10% of the North American Lepidoptera species have sufficient, accessible occurrence data to make reliable predictions about habitat use, susceptibility to global change impacts, or other ecologically important interactions. This project will digitize and integrate existing, unconnected collections of lepidopterans to leverage the outstanding potential of this group of organisms for transformative research, training and outreach.
Título | Lepidoptera of North America Network: Documenting Diversity in the Largest Clade of Herbivores |
Financiamento | NSF DBI-1601957 |
O pessoal envolvido no projeto:
Dados de Coleção
Nome da Coleção | Milwaukee Public Museum Insect Collection |
Identificador da Coleção | ENT |
Identificador da Coleção Parental | MPM |
Metadados Adicionais
Identificadores alternativos | |